Paul, led by the Holy Spirit, asks in Romans 10:15, “ . . . how shall they go unless they are sent?”

Missionaries have needs that the Lord works through other people to provide.

A study of scripture shows us needs in six areas in the missionary Paul's life that God worked through others to meet: moral support, logistical support, financial support, prayer support, communication support and re-entry support.

The eye-opening book by Neal Pirolo, Serving as Senders Today, provides a detailed look at how Paul's needs were met—how he was “sent”—by others partnering with him and how current-day missionaries have the same sorts of needs that Paul had.

And while offerings of money are important, and necessary, there's so much more than money involved in sending missionaries.

If the Lord has given you a desire to see Japanese people come to know Him but you're not in a position to come to Japan and serve, it may be that you're being called to help send others who are able to go.

lease pray about that possibility and, if you're led to, contact us about specific needs RJTA missionaries have and ways you and others can be involved in serving as senders!