june bayParticipant in the Rural Japan Church Planter Training Center in Iwate Prefecture (Northern Japan) with an unchurched unreached unengaged area focus

June grew up in Singapore and discovered the joy of interacting with people from diverse cultures when she studied in Australia and joined a multicultural church.

After receiving a full-time call to missions, June has been preparing for missionary service. During the course of seeking God before leaving her full-time job, God laid upon her heart the people of Japan. With a firm conviction of God’s call, June took up Japanese language lessons and started getting to know some Japanese friends.

June loves music, language and working with children. She is excited about going over to Japan and hopes that she can bring joy to the people she meets.

In March of 2022, June started her missionary service via an initial two-year term at the Rural Japan Church Planter Training Center.

In this two-year hands-on program, she

  1. deepened her Japanese ability further;
  2. under the direction of the team leader, she assisted in diverse aspects of the Kita Sanriku Christ Church church plant for the Iwaizumi (including Omoto) Town and adjacent Tanohata, Fudai, and Noda villages in Iwate Prefecture in tsunami-impacted Northeast Japan;
  3. occasionally served short-term with other rural ministries in Japan (mainly North Tohoku) to gain diversity in experience; and
  4. attended lectures/seminars/discussions to further equip her in rural church planting in the Japan context.
  5. She contributed her skills in music and kid’s ministry, small group ministry and such, while also contributing broadly in many additional ways.